Region of LAG Šumperský venkov

The territory, in which the LAG Šumperský venkov operates, is located in the Olomouc region, Šumperk district and is delimited by cadastral territories of a total of sixteen municipalities: Bludov, Dlouhomilov, Dolní Studénky, Hrabišín, Libina, Nový Malín, Oskava, Petrov nad Desnou, Sobotín, Rapotín, Loučná nad Desnou, Rejchartice, Velké Losiny, Vernířovice and Vikýřovice. One of the common denominators of all LAG member municipalities is the close proximity to the town of Šumperk and the proximity of the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains. The villages of Hraběšice, Sobotín, Loučná nad Desnou, Nový Malín and Maršíkov (the local part of Velké Losiny) form the border of the Protected Landscape Area of ​​Jeseníky and partly also extend into the protected park Sovinecko. The entire Šumperk district was defined by the Government Resolution as an “economically weak region”.

The LAG’s area of 410.39 km2 extends largely in the Šumperk Basin, extending into the hills of the Hraběšická Highlands, the foothills of Nízký Jeseník Mountains, the Úsov Highlands and the Hanušovice Highlands along its western border. Forests account for over half of the area. The average altitude of the area is 425 meters above sea level. The highest point is Mravenečník (1,350 meters above sea level), at the top of which there is one of the highest wind power stations in Europe. Beautiful nature with a unique amount of forests offers high potential in ​​tourism development, which is highlighted by the fact that the area is literally interwoven with many hiking and cycling paths leading to many historical and natural treasures of this region. The significant potential of the area can also be seen in the developing spa industry in the villages of Bludov and Velké Losiny, which makes the region very attractive and frequently visited. The presence of the unique Velké Losiny Handmade Paper Mill, which, as the name suggests, is engaged in the production of traditional handmade paper, undoubtedly contributes to the popularity with tourists. This is most likely the last paper mill of its kind in Europe. Part of this important building is the unique Museum of Handmade Paper. Among the most attractive tourist sights of the region is also Velké Losiny Castle, sadly famous for witch trials. As far as we know, in the Czech lands witch trials occurred only locally and the area of Jeseník and Velké Losiny was one of such sites. Another nationwide rarity is the Dlouhé Stráně hydroelectric power plant. Amongst the cultural events of supra-regional importance we can mention the Velké Losiny Cultural Summer theater festival, or the international festival of wind orchestras Music Without Borders held annually in Dolní Studénky. Equally important tourist attractions are the ski resorts in Loučná nad Desnou, Hraběšice and Vernířovice.

Mapka MAS Šumperský venkov


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